Dental Bonding Boosts Your Smile Strategy

Call Us About Dental Bonding Today

  • Increase your smile confidence
  • Minimize and mask minor stains and chips
  • Treat decay in teeth
  • Fill gaps between teeth
  • Shield tooth roots that have been exposed by gum recession.


Although there’s no substitute for healthy, natural teeth, at Terminal Park Dental Clinic, we know that dental bonding is a great secondary option!

Utilizing tooth-coloured molding material, bonding is applied on teeth to rebuild, strengthen, and make cosmetic improvements to your smile. And because it’s so natural looking, no one will know the difference! Best of all, one or more teeth can be treated in one office visit, and anesthetic is often not required!

Is dental bonding right for you?

A few factors should be considered, including the size and area of your tooth that requires treatment.

  • A modern alternative to silver fillings, this type of material is great for use on highly noticeable areas of your smile. Replacing old fillings in your front teeth with tooth-coloured bonding may also be an option for some patients.
  • Teeth that seem small can be “built up” and spaces between teeth can be filled with bonding.
  • A great option for updating the look of “misshapen” teeth, it’s also highly beneficial for repairing chips and fractures.
  • Some stains and discolourations can be improved by dental bonding.

With diligent at-home care, bonded teeth can look as good as new for many years!

Do smiles really impact first impressions?

Studies show that how much tooth you show when smiling has an impact on how old you look. In youthful smiles, front teeth tend to be longer, creating a line that comes down in the middle and moves upward at the corners. Older smiles tend to have front teeth that are worn, making them appear straighter. Minor chips, stains, and discolourations have been known to age a smile.

Dental bonding, however, can update your smile. Patients at Terminal Park Dental Clinic know that bonding is an effective method for improving smiles and treats a variety of cosmetic issues, including masking stains, repairing chips and fractures, and even changing the shape of teeth to make them look more masculine or feminine.

As your dentist in Nanaimo, our mission is to help you love your smile – and to build and maintain the oral health habits that will benefit you for life. Curious about whether dental bonding is right for you? Get in touch with us today to set up your personal consultation!